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Transportation Information

Bus Transportation

Transportation is provided free for students living more than two miles from their school. Riding the bus is a privilege that is earned by obeying safety and behavioral rules. Bus routes comply with state guidelines. Our first concern is safety. We provide supervision during loading and unloading of buses. The bus driver provides supervision while students are on the bus. Drivers must watch traffic and road conditions while driving. Therefore, drivers must rely on the cooperation of students to maintain a safe and orderly situation on the bus. Students must practice responsible self- discipline while riding the bus. A student, who chooses not to do so, cannot be allowed to jeopardize the safety of others, and will be required to arrange other transportation with their parent/guardian to and from school.

Students riding the bus to and from school will ride an assigned bus each day. Students will not be issued bus passes to ride another bus or change bus stops unless approved by transportation. We regret any inconvenience but recognize safety as our top priority. Bus drivers are authorized to issue referrals for rule infractions that could result in disciplinary action, including bus suspension. Parent requests or complaints regarding bus service should be directed to the director of transportation at 547-7810.

Elementary Transportation Changes
Parent Pick Up

Families will be given a Parent Pick Up (PPU) identification card to place in the driver’s side front window. Each family will be given ONE sign and should be given to the person picking the student up in the afternoon. ONLY families that have indicated PPU will receive a school sign. This helps us to ensure SAFETY during car rider dismissal. Should someone else need to pick up the student during the school year, the sign MUST accompany the person picking up the student. IN ADDITION, a change in transportation should be placed using the transportation link identifying the person picking the student up.

Transportation Questions?
