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Terrapin Cafe

Terrapins Cafe’s Menus

 Free/Reduced Lunch Applications

 Parents can complete the  Free and Reduced lunch application by using this link You can also print a form on the same website and return it to school. 


Meal Prices

Elementary lunch $3.25, Middle School lunch $3.50, Breakfast $1.75.

Cafeteria Reminders

    • Every student will have their own lunchroom account number.
    • This number will be entered by the student when they buy their breakfast and/or lunch.
    • No student may use another students account number. (if you have two children attending Trout Creek we can move money from one account to the other)
    • You will be contacted by the cafeteria if your student has a negative lunch account balance of ($10.00).

If you have questions about your student’s lunch account, please contact our cafeteria manager, Ms. Alicia Smith at [email protected]

For more information regarding our school lunch program, please visit the county website at: